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Just found this great site: Are you using it? If you haven't already, try it out! Its simple to use, but very addictive!! As always, let me know what you think.

Changing Tides

The holiday season is here and it seems busier than ever (at least to me, anyway), but even with this mad rush it is important to stop and give back to those less fortunate than you. So, in the spirit of the season, I have decided that it is time to do just that. Please join me in helping to raise money for Plan's "Clean Water" program. I don't have to tell you how important access to clean water is, though I will say that Plan's work is invaluable in pioneering new water programs that enrich community lives around the world. Answer the call. Donate to the cause and, please, spread the word. Thank you.
Donate to: Changing Tides

Plan Canada Inc.

Tomorrow Today by Danny Echo

As The Snow Falls

Today marked the first snow fall of the season!! We made it through last month as a no-snow-November. This hasn't happened since 1933, they say. Fortunately for me the snow didn't stay because, clearly, I wasn't ready for it.

Unlike, the large, beautiful snowflakes one dreams about (when they don't have to be out and about in it), today's snow was wet, cold and miserable. Adding to this misery was the fact that my boots didn't fit when I tried them on this morning and while rushing out the door, I left my umbrella at home. You can imagine that when I arrived at work I had soaked hair, feet and jacket. (brrr) By the time I left work, however, the snow and flood-pools had mostly gone.

Right now, I am in de-stress mode, warming at home in my trackpants and hoodie, and listening to "Christmas Chants" by Gregorian. Awesome album. (If your into classical Christmas music, this is a must!! I got my copy via. iTunes.)